New recyclable cardboard container with better handling.
3 protein sources
We have a unique combinationPea, Rice and Soy Proteindeveloped with the best taste.
High Protein
With 21g protein for chocolate and 24g protein for vanilla, the Vegan Protein Shake is a real muscle pack
Made in Germany
Our Vegan Protein Shake is manufactured in Germany according to the highest quality standards.
Sustainable vegan protein powder in a cardboard box
Discover our new vegan protein powder in thesustainable cardboard box.Theeco-friendly packagingconsists of 97% paper and reduces plastic waste. With delicious flavor compositions, we offer a taste experience that is in no way inferior to conventional whey. Our vegan protein powder contains onehigh protein contentandessential amino acidsto help build muscle. Make a conscious decision for sustainability and enjoy the delicious taste of our vegan protein powder.
- Sustainable cardboard box:97% paper,less plastic waste
- Taste experience
- Supports muscle building21g and 24g protein
- Enjoy sustainable enjoyment

The delicious side of plant-based nutrition
Our Vegan Protein not only offerspremium nutritional valueand a high source of protein, but above all impresses with its heavenly taste. Each of our vegan shakes has been developed with great care to offer an unparalleled taste experience.
- Excellent nutritional values andhigh protein content
- Enjoyable taste thanks to carefully developed aroma compositions
- The combination of plant-based nutrition and culinary enjoyment
Im Jahr 1977. Aus dem Hamburger Keller in die weite Welt.
Als wir vor 45 Jahren als Antwort auf den amerikanischen Fitnesstrend die ersten Proteinpulver in einem einfachen Zementmixer bei uns im Keller mischten und diese mit auf Schreibmaschinen erstellten Etiketten versahen, war die Vision bereits dieselbe wie heute – Wir wollen die qualitativ besten und leckersten Produkte anbieten, um Dir zu einem gesünderen, fitteren und somit glücklicheren Lebensstil zu verhelfen.
Wir machen gesunde Ernährung einfacher – Healthy Lifestyle made easy!